Snowfall is upon us and we can almost guarantee it will be plentiful. With temperature drops and snow, the strain it can cause on our roofing system can be harmful and leave us with complications.
In the midst of Winter, it’s important to regulate your roofing system and take precautions to prevent damages or call one out before it gets worse. We’ll cover the fundamentals and practical solutions to guide you through this season.
The initial consideration is to understand how snow buildup and temperature fluctuation can be a burden on your home or commercial property. Snow and ice are heavy and could easily collapse and cause major damage if it isn’t cleared over time.
Most Midwest homes are designed with a pitched roofing system. This system was designed so that the snow fall can melt into the external gutter system – this brings us to emphasize the importance of clearing your homes gutters during the fall season. The runoff is less likely to be clogged and cause pressure to your roof and gutter – the goal is to create a seamless cycle for melting snow.
When it comes to commercial roofing systems – typically they lie flat. It’s recommended to pre-schedule snow removal from professionals before any indication of severe weather hits. This prevents heavy buildup in the long run and also avoids safety hazards the building can have on employees and customers.
Inspecting your roof after a harsh winter snowfall is also recommended. There may not always be obvious signs to a damaged roof (especially when there’s a ton of snow) but it’s important to keep an eye out for anything that could be hinting to a bigger issue.
A few common things to look for when inspecting your roof:
- Warping
- Cracked framing
- Cracks inside (walls, ceiling)
- Doors that are hard to close
- Bends in support structures
Overall, keeping a clear roof this winter is going to limit the damages a heavy snowfall can have. Clearing ice and snow as soon as possible is ideal and/or having a professional to do the heavy work for you.
In conclusion, prepare for winter by protecting your roofing system. If you’re unsure about anything, give us a call.
Revive Restoration.
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