Jul 17, 2021 | Blog, FAQ's, Shingles
The exterior of your home protects you and your loved ones from the hot days of summer and the harsh winds of winter. You want to choose a type of siding with an attractive curbside appeal, is within your budget and will age well for years to come. The architecture of...
Mar 17, 2021 | Blog, FAQ's, Siding
As spring approaches, now is a wonderful time to do a good visual assessment of the exterior of your home. Damage from winter winds or past hailstorms can sometimes be hard to spot without the eye of a trained expert, especially if the damage is to your roof. However,...
Jan 15, 2021 | Blog, FAQ's, Storm Damage
No matter what the season, weather conditions can cause roof damage that requires a restoration company. There are various aspects to look at when choosing a roofing contractor, including price, availability, and recommendations. While these are all good questions to...
Sep 19, 2019 | Blog, FAQ's
Roofing contracts are a large investment for any homeowner, and it is vital to hire someone you can trust with a large project. Revive Restoration understands the sensitivity of each project for a family home. In this article, we’ve put together five essential...